
About Me

Welcome to Surrounded By Reality! I'm Lisa Gentile, an Ann Arbor-based marketer and proud U of M grad.

I've often heard Ann Arbor described as 28 miles surrounded by reality. And after spending nearly all of my life in the Ann Arbor-area -- minus two years in Chicago -- I can certainly say it is a town unlike any other.

There's a great selection of restaurants and bars and a wonderful, passionate community. I can't help but feel at home in the bubble that is Ann Arbor. I'm hoping this blog will inspire me to explore and document a few more area treasures. And I can't wait to share everything with you!

Questions? Comments? Suggestions? Feel free to reach out to me on Twitter, Instagram or in the comments section.

Go Blue!


  1. Thanks, Lisa! I just approved your blog claim. Now your Urbanspoon profile picture is displayed on your blog page. You can upload a blog-specific photo if you prefer, and can change a few other blog settings there. Also, if you vote for a restaurant that you've reviewed on your blog, we now show your vote next to your post everywhere on our site.



  2. Hey Lisa -

    Just came across your Blog. There are more than a few A2 bloggers and some of us get together occasionally. We're having a Meetup on 4/16. Hope you can make it!

    1. Thanks for the invite! I'm glad to see that there's a local group of bloggers. I'm definitely going to try and make it out to the event.
